Book Eater

Chapter 274: General War (1)

Chapter 274: General War (1)

Kuuong! Kuuong! Kuuong!

Beyond the horizon, soldiers clad in steel marched thunderously in step. Their swords flashed in the sun, and their feet left deep imprints on the ground, crushing weeds and cracking pebbles. There was no drumming or any war cries. The soldiers’ eyes shone from beneath their helmets as they silently poured all their strength into moving forward.

This was the Andras Empire’s empire. Rather than shrinking back from the defeats that had been handed to them, they were overflowing with the will to retaliate. The sight of a hundred and fifty thousand troops moving with an earthshaking resolve was awe-inspiring, as they left a hundred thousand men in reserve.

Benedict, who had climbed a nearby hill to catch this spectacular sight, opened his mouth to speak. Or rather, he burst out laughing.

“Huhuhuhu! Those imperial idiots really have become spiteful after their pride was shattered! I never thought they would be this provoked…”

This had all stemmed from Theo. The blow he had dealt wasn’t big enough to change the course of the unification war, but it had been particularly ruthless for a single blow. Nevertheless, it had satisfied Benedict’s initial purpose, despite also igniting the enemy’s fighting spirit.

Earl Carter chuckled from next to him. “Hahaha, it was a happy miscalculation, no? Breaking Andras’ hold on the eastern canyon went beyond my expectations.”

“Huhuhu, that’s right. Our hero showed us what he’s capable of, so this old man should put some effort in.”

Benedict’s eyes swept across his general staff before settling on the approaching Andras army. The laugh lines around his eyes disappeared, as he started to exude the dignity of a commander.

“An all out confrontation on the plains.”

Magicians would dominate on a battlefield like the plains, where there were no obstacles. Attack spells like Fire Ball were more powerful than a volley of arrows, allowing a magician to annihilate thousands of soldiers. Even if one Fire Ball could be ignored, the knights couldn’t survive hundreds raining from the sky. Swordmasters notwithstanding, no single individual could stand up to an army of magicians.

Benedict murmured, “It’s a strange situation that common sense says they can’t win, but…” Benedict’s general staff remained quiet as he finished, “Andras is outside of common sense.”

The general staff nodded as they examined the enemy’s vanguard slowly approaching them. The infantry seemed like an unstoppable wave, and they could see knights waiting to rush into the fray.

The most annoying hindrance were the great, blue-gray, titanium shields that the infantry held. The array of shields covered several hundred square meters. This titanium was the obstacle that Meltor called the Magician’s Despair.

This unidentified alloy was Meltor’s greatest foe. Upon analysis by the magic towers, they discovered that it could only be neutralized by a coordinated bombardment of, at minimum, 5th Circle magic. This titanium greatly reduced the magicians’ firepower, giving the Andras Empire the breathing room to fight Meltor on the plains. Otherwise, Meltor would have unified the north a long time ago. It was only natural that Meltor’s magicians hated those blue-gray shields.

Benedict muttered, “... A little closer and they will be within range.”

However, that didn’t mean Meltor didn’t have a plan for it. Benedict recalled the blood that his ancestors had shed and raised his left hand. “Standard procedure first.”

One of his staff asked, “Should we use the Tactical Mages?”

Benedict nodded. “Mobilize the 3rd Unit just in case. Use Judgment of Eurus on the great shield in the heart of the imperial army.”

“Yes, sir!”

Another staff member hoisted a few flags in quick succession, passing the order down to the magicians. It only took fourteen seconds for the magicians to enact Benedict’s order from the moment it was issued. Meltor was the only kingdom who could consistently maintain this kind of high-speed communication with more than a hundred thousand soldiers.

Soon, a pale light started to shine from Meltor’s left wing, where the 3rd Unit of the Tactical Mages was located.


The wind started to pick up as magic power gathered. The 3rd Unit was using a tactical-class spell that condensed air currents to create a vortex. The Judgement of Eurus exerted the power of a great spell, so it required sixteen magicians of the 5th Circle and one hundred magicians of the 4th Circle. This was the strength of tactical mages, who functioned as an army rather than individuals.


Judgment of Eurus, a vortex born in the sky, suddenly plummeted toward the ground.


“R-Retreat, no, aaaack!

“Hand! Take my handdd!”

The vanguard of the advancing imperial army were swept away like dead leaves as a huge dust cloud covered the Andras army. No matter how much magic power was deflected by the shields, the physical power of the phenomenon still remained. The titanium shields were warped and twisted, and the soldiers depending on them were thrown away with broken limbs.

Tactical magic, which was comparable to 7th Circle magic, wasn’t something that the titanium could endure.

“Hrmm.” However, Benedict looked dissatisfied. Once the storm passed, there were still a few people climbing to their feet out of the cloud of dust. The knights and aura users had been saved by the titanium shields, which had reduced the lethality of the spell. If they had been hit directly, they’d have died, but as they were, they had avoided any fatalities.

At that moment...

“Commander! Look over there!”

“What is going on? There... Hrmm?

The general staff were just as puzzled as Benedict as they saw a portable catapult being wheeled toward them from the rear of the imperial forces. What use did a catapult have outside a siege? Meltor’s magicians could easily intercept any stones Andras would throw. Meltor watched in silence as Andras fired a shell at them.


They didn’t move to intercept, since while it was aimed for the 3rd Unit of the Tactical Mages, it landed on empty ground and there were no casualties.

At first glance, it seemed like a pointless volley.

K-Kuaaack! My magic power?!”

“The links... They are all broken. At this rate...”

“The tactical mages’ magic circle is being destroyed! The 3rd unit will become individual magicians at this time!”

The tactical mages’ magic circle, which had taken a minimum of four years to create, had collapsed. Benedict didn’t understand at first, but he soon figured it out. The catapult was fine. The problem was the shell that was fired.

“Surely it isn’t a titanium shell...”

It was a metal that dissipated magic power itself, so the titanium exerted an effect even if it wasn’t in the form of a large shield.

Andras had fired a titanium shell at the 3rd Unit, which had been exposed after casting Judgment of Eurus. The goal wasn’t to kill the individual magicians but to shatter the magic circle that allowed them to combine magic power. It would remove their ability to cast tactical-class spells for a few days. However, Andras was quick to take advantage and launched an assault before Meltor could evacuate the area.

“Commander! A troop of a hundred knights are coming to the front!”

“Order the 2nd Unit to use Anger of the Earth...” Benedict hesitated for a moment.

He didn’t want to lose another unit, and that moment of hesitation was all Andras needed.


Ordinary soldiers couldn’t stop a charging knight in full armor. Blood flew into the air as the knights punched straight through Meltor’s first defensive line. The magicians could no longer use tactical-class magic now that the knights were so close, and died as soon as the knights got close enough. This was the explosive power that Andras was famed for. Meltor’s soldiers fell like harvested wheat, and the magical soldiers only lasted for an instant.

If Meltor didn’t react, they would lose the 3rd Unit in a matter of minutes. Benedict made a quick decision and spoke to Earl Carter, “It can’t be helped. Send him out.”

Earl Carter frowned. “Isn’t it too early?”

Benedict shook his head. “His power is half-exposed already. It’s unfortunate, but this isn’t a situation where we can spare anything.”

“I understand. I will tell him right away.”

Despite the indirect references, the general staff nodded in agreement. That person would be able to stop it. Meanwhile, Meltor’s troops glared at the rampaging enemy knights with dark eyes.


“Kill them as fast as you can!”

“Don’t get caught! The first thing is to keep going forward!”

The knights in the lead called out loudly as the blood of their enemies covered their blades. The soldiers who bravely met them in battle were mercilessly cut down by aura blades. They were slightly less efficient than magicians, but aura users were also grim reapers for regular soldiers.

However, they soon began meeting stronger resistance.


For the first time, their swords were stopped, and the knights realized that the soldiers around them had changed. Meltor’s prized magic soldiers had taken the field. They wore military artifacts and had magic, so their combat power was a lot higher than ordinary soldiers.

“You are good, but.. You will never be our enemy!”

Nevertheless, the magic soldiers weren’t able to stop Andras’ advance.


They bought time, but in the end, the magic soldiers still died to Andras’ blades. Still, they had shielded the magicians behind them for a bit longer. This was the mission all magic soldiers knew they had been given once Andras broke through their defensive line. The only ones who could stop the knights were war magicians, who had yet to arrive. So the magic soldiers sacrificed their lives to be shields for the magicians in the rear.

“―Oh, sorry for being late.” A grim voice rang across the battlefield as two bolts of lightning seemed to strike.

Clovis Two Swords Style. Wartime Confusion Hidden Technique. Wolf’s Frenzy.

Twelve, or rather, twenty four slashes simultaneously struck the knights.


It was too late to notice by the time blood was spurting out. The swordsman avoided the drops of blood which splattered near his eyes and kicked the corpse of a knight away. The knight had been decapitated and dismembered in that brief clash, and the knights stopped their advance for a moment as they saw their colleague’s body bounce toward them.

“Are you stupid?” Randolph laughed coldly as he drove his falchions into two knights who had frozen in place.

Randolph’s appearance on the battlefield had immediately turned the tables as three knights fell. The other knights stared at him warily as their instincts warned them of this monster’s power.

“... Swordmaster?”

Why was there a sword master in a magic kingdom? Randolph didn’t miss the brief hesitation born of confusion, and lunged forward.


The falchion ripped through the knight’s chest plate from behind. The thrust was too fast and sharp to be seen, and the knights recognized a killing blow from a warrior who had spent years on a battlefield. At the same time, several knights also gasped in sudden agony as more blades sprouted from various fatal points. They hadn’t even noticed the warriors appearing behind them.

“What, who are you?!” The leader of the knights gulped.

Their mysterious enemies merely chuckled in reply. The aura at the ends of their swords and spears proved that they weren’t magic soldiers. If they had one thing in common, it was the symbol of the wolf they all had carved on some piece of their equipment, like armor, sheathes, or waistbands.

Randolph grinned savagely. “We are mercenaries hired by Meltor, the Wandering Wolves.”


A swordmaster was working as a mercenary?

Randolph pointed his falchions at the knight who couldn’t hide his disbelief.

“I’m sorry, but you have to die.”


A swordmaster had entered a battlefield filled with aura users. They were also surrounded by magic soldiers who would do everything in their power to trap them. The operation was on the brink of utter failure.

The knight commander’s hands tightened on his sword, while his comrades gathered their aura. They wouldn\'t surrender even if it meant death. The knights had been raised to be loyal to the empire, so there was no changing their allegiance.

They didn’t hesitate as they threw themselves into battle with the mercenaries. It seemed like an uphill battle, since the mercenaries were less skilled than the knights. However, the mercenaries made up the difference with artifacts and the assistance of the magic soldiers.

Kakang! Kang! Chwaack!

As the battle continued, the knights gradually started falling to the swords of the mercenaries. It would’ve been impossible without help, but this was a war and this was the result. Randolph was the most prolific killer on this battlefield, as his falchions sent several heads flying with every blow. It was a speed that only one of the Seven Swords could keep up with.

“Well, should I let them earn their pay…”

Little by little, Randolph stepped back, allowing his men to finish the job. Since he was a master, he would be able to affect the overall war more if he didn’t waste too much energy. Now that he had rescued Meltor’s unit, it was time to retreat and probe the enemy for weaknesses.

But then, Randolph froze.

No, I was stopped.

It was more accurate to say that he was forced to freeze. It was like his feet had been glued to the ground, causing Randolph to turn his attention behind him. His falchions rose into the air as he pointed them at the enemy.

“Who are you?”

A white-haired woman appeared like a ghost. “The Empire’s 5th Sword, Delkur. It’s a pleasure.”


Randolph’s eyebrows rose slightly at the name. He looked at his stuck legs and asked again, "... I see. You’re the Shadow? Is this it?”

Delkur chuckled. “Yes, is it strange? It’s a technique called Shadow Step. I can’t move, but you can’t escape before I release it.”

“It’s a nasty technique.”


Delkur nearly squealed when Randolph spoke so coarsely with that face. “I like it.”

She reached behind her and unhooked her spear. Randolph’s eyes narrowed as he saw her lift it. At 1.8 meters in length and resembling an arming sword, it was a strange weapon that had seemingly replaced the handle of a sword with a spear shaft.


Killing intent flashed in her eyes. “How is it? I wonder if you can beat me at this distance?”

Randolph bared his teeth. “Hrmm, we’ll see.”

They were only three meters apart, and a falchion was much shorter than her spear. Even so, Randolph laughed as he lifted his falchions.

“Why do I feel like I won’t lose?”

“Ahahaha! How impudent!”

The two masters of Andras aimed their weapons at each other.

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